

The two employees of the Victim/Witness Services Division of the Wood County Prosecutor’s Office act as a support, information, and assistance provision system for those affected by crime. Because of court, trial and other related commitments, being able to promptly respond to questions or concerns of the public can be a difficult task for prosecutors. The employees of this division can act as liaisons between a crime victim and the attorney assigned to the case. Additionally, this division sends out regular notices to victims regarding the status of their pending cases. Prompt response to any information requested in these notices can assist in the likelihood of a favorable and efficient result.

The employees of the Victim/Witness Services Division can provide information and guidance regarding programs for crime victims, such as the Ohio Victims of Crime Compensation Fund and the V.I.N.E. System. These programs and others like them are designed to assist victims recover from the trauma of crime. Further, this division works with victim advocates from other agencies to ensure that those affected by crime are aware of their rights as crime victims and the programs and services available to them.

Marsy's Law affords victims certain rights, including the right to be present and heard at all court proceedings, receive notice of release of the offender, and offer input on plea deals. Additional information regarding Marsy's Law can be found on the Ohio Attorney General website

Additional resources can be found through the resources tab under additional links.

Victim of Crime Bill of Rights- Ohio Attorney General

Victims' Rights Request Form

Victim of Crime Compensation Fund Application and Guidelines

Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center- Tool Kit